Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cosk sucking....

not sure whether the gal enjoy them but i enjoy them very much....
wiht the nerve concentrated at the tip, when suck correctly, it will give you tickling feeling whic i love and "hate" them...and the senstaion is just brilliant...

when the gal suck, lick blow them....sucking with vacuuming power is the best of all...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Vege cock...

buy some cucumber local or japanese...
if you like big one, buy local. but if you japanese style, buy japanese cucumber.
put a condom in and it fit to go...

if you like cool cock feeling, put the cucumber in the fridge overnight.

only my fantasy....

Monday, July 6, 2009

fantasy to fellow colleague.

fantasy about some nice and beautiful colleague who working in teh same company but they looks just as serious and only work and no play.
that maybe was the picture that they trying to project, deep under they maybe have the same fantasy as i am which the eye contact tells something strange.

anyone of you have this fantasy and fling with them, how can we approach them and let them know and in the same know they ok with it..

So many sex blog out there...

only recently i come to realised that there are so mans sex blog out there with good clips...
those contributors are making the web surfing funnier...

and also those contributors are no less from the other of the gal, i like i like..

maybe the general society and the general public ethic does not allow girl to be so open in sg or maybe they have to behave as they were thought to be.

but in the world of digital where people does not see them, they becomes more open which is a good thing to all of us guy...welcome to the world.